

Butter has a TIS dance system with dances for male, female and couples. There are calling posts for the dances placed around. Click them to start dancing. You can also click "HUD" on the menu to get a HUD that you can add to your screen to change your moves.

There are dance floors next to the Bistro and at the beach, but you can use the dance system pretty much anywhere you want. Just cam and click the closest calling post to get the menu (and the dance balls for couple dances).

Music streams

You can also change the music stream by clicking speakers or radios (and sometimes TVs). There are several streams in several categories added to the menu or you can add an URL for your fave stream. The different parcels can have different streams.

Butter is not a ballroom, and the music streams and dances reflect this. But if you have a suggestion for a music stream or dances that you would like to see added, please drop a notecard to Mona Molinaxil. Suggestions are always welcome!

Click the sphere to dance and the speaker to change the music stream.